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ECO time @ HOPS




As we embark on our Eco journey to achieving recognition for the Eco work that we commit to and are successful in at High Oakham Primary School, we are working through the Eco-Schools programme. We are very clear that this will never be a finished task but know that this is a step in the right direction steering our journey and evidencing our work. There will always be things we can do or research we can undertake to actively protect our planet. We care deeply about environmental issues and have a strong desire to play our part. 

We know that the whole purpose of our school is to be a 'vessel' that supports our children to become adults who contribute to the community both local and wider so we are fully committed to ensure that we fulfil our responsibilities as citizens to protect after our world.



To find out more about Eco-Schools programme, visit their official website here


We are applying for an Eco-Schools Green Flag to demonstrate our hard work and this is the perfect way to acknowledge, reward and celebrate the ecological achievements of our children, all our children. As an inclusive and No Outsiders school, we never want additional needs or disabilities to affect our children's ability to engage with environmental actions and know that the Eco-Schools programme provides an accessible way for all young people to have a positive impact on the planet we inhabit.


If you would like to support our Eco-Schools work, please get in touch with the school office to find out more.


Our Eco-schools programme is being led by Miss Caress, our Science and the Environment team member who is our Eco-Coordinator. 

Eco-committee membership 21 22

Eco-schools committee meeting minutes

What is happening in the Eco world at High Oakham Primary School? 




In June, all our Key Stage 2 children were invited to design a poster for the Maun Conservation Group. This is  a group of volunteers who look after the nature reserve that runs by the football ground on Quarry Lane. All the members of the Conservation Group were part of the judging process. Ethan and Maisie's posters were chosen  because they were fun, cheerful and had a clear message. The judges said that they were impressed by the high standard of all the entries.

Here's a preview of the winning posters - look out for them when you visit the reserve this Summer!


Runner up - Maisie Year 3


Winner - Ethan Year 3




26th November 2020

A message from Mansfield and Ashfield's Wildlife Watch


Please can you advertise our Wildlife Watch Zoom sessions, which are held on the first Saturday of the month.  Our next session is on Saturday 5 December at 10.30 and it would be great if we could encourage more children to get involved.   It is not possible to meet in person at the moment but it's a great opportunity for the children to talk about wildlife, nature, green spaces etc.... especially during these difficult times.


I have sent the poster as a PDF and JPEG. (see below) 


Thank you in advance.


Sarah Spurry

Watch Leader

Mansfield & Ashfield Wildlife Watch
