Staff, Environment and Curriculum
These three aspects make up High Oakham 'the vessel' which acts as a connection, a journey, a vehicle that allows these key elements to filter through it.
The vessel which is coated with our school motto ‘Be true to yourself’ has our ‘life and learning values’ embedded within it, resulting in the production of children prepared for modern life, ready to contribute, aspiring to soar, equipped to challenge and permeating kindness and respect.
We have designed our curriculum with the following in mind:
* How children learn and remember
* What our children need to succeed in life
Our vision for our curriculum is strong so we have used hexagons to display it, and like hexagons through the ages, our curriculum is a strong symbol of harmony and balance which has our ‘life and learning values’ encompassing it.
The gears which keep our curriculum turning are the key areas of PSHE and RE. These subjects design platforms of thought, opinion and views and give opportunity to explore, reflect, delve and challenge concepts which shape who we are.
And through the most powerful driver of all – English – the power of vocabulary, the key to learning, steers reading and writing through all areas of the curriculum.
The National Curriculum (NC) provides both the content and the framework for most of what we teach at High Oakham Primary School. In the Early Years, children experience the seven areas of learning required as part of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum which is delivered nationally. In Key Stage One and Key Stage Two children are taught the ‘core’ subjects of English, mathematics, science and religious education (RE) and the ‘foundation’ subjects of history, geography, music, art, physical education (PE), design and technology (DT), French, and computing.
Miss Kent, our Deputy Head leads on Teaching and Learning and the Curriculum across our school, please get in touch with the school office if you would like further information about our curriculum.
Click here for more information on English at HOPS
Our Curriculum - 2021 2022