Phase 5 Set 1-2
About Phase 5 Books - Sets 1 and 2
Stories have a wider variety of characters and events which develop over a number of pages. Sentences may include lists of things or actions and adverbs are used frequently to begin sentences. The books begin to use capitalisation to support reading with expression. The growing complexity in the story lines is reinforced through the development of inference and prediction using visual literacy. Children will encounter alternative graphemes that they have been learning in Phonics.
How to support your child
Your child is now beginning to read with more independence. They should be feeling more confident and read with developing fluency and expression. You can help them by:
- Listening to them when they read aloud. If they make mistakes, but they keep the sense of the text, don’t interrupt. You can revisit that page at the end of the session to check certain words.
- Reminding them of useful strategies if they can’t read a word, for example:
sounding the word out silently, under their breath or in their head.
- Dividing a longer word into syllables, or ‘chunking’ the word into smaller, more manageable parts.
- Encouraging some use of expression, especially for character-speech in fiction books. You may wish to model reading some pages aloud for your child to copy.
- Talking about how characters are feeling.
My Reading Targets
- I can read aloud
- I can make simple deductions with help and prompts from my teacher
- I can read with developing fluency paying attention to punctuation
- I can read many of the Key Stage 1 High Frequency Words
- I can solve new words using print detail while attending to meaning and sentence structure
- I can track visually additional lines of print without difficulty
- I can effectively manage a growing variety of texts
- I can discuss the contents page in a way that indicates understanding
- I can read two-syllable words
- I can discuss and interpret character and plot more fully
- I can re-read my books to build up my fluency and confidence in word reading
I can recognise all of the following phonemes;
ay play | ou cloud | oy toy | ea each | ir bird | ie pie | ue blue | u unicorn | o go |
i tiger | a paper | e he | a-e shake | i-e time | o-e home | u-e cute | e-e these | ew chew |
ie shield | aw claw |
I can read all of these Phase 4 tricky words;
their | people | oh | your | Mr | Mrs |
Ms | ask | could | would | should | our |
house | mouse | water | want |
| |