Sports and PE Funding
PE provision at High Oakham Primary School
Our PE subject leads, Mr. Riley and Mrs Christie, work very closely with our sports coach, Mr. Collins, to ensure the PE lessons and clubs that are delivered on school site are the most effective, inspiring and successful that they can be. Good working relationships, regular monitoring and reviewing are key to the success of this collaboration. Staff listen respectfully to each other and all bring a varied wealth of knowledge, experience and skills - with a crucial passion for promoting not just healthy lives through movement and exercise, but the relentless focus on being active, promoting good mental health and emotional wellbeing.
High on our collaboration agenda is also encouraging connections between children, the provision of aspirational role models as teachers and inspiring children to find what they are good at, aim high and reach their potential.
To find out more about Express Coaching click on the logo below to visit their website.
Swimming at High Oakham Primary School
in conjunction with Nottinghamshire County Council School Swimming Service
At High Oakham Primary School, our Year 5 children go swimming for 18 weeks starting in September. This service is provided by the schools' swimming service and takes place at Rebecca Adlington swimming centre in Mansfield.
Swimming is a life skill that every child has a right to learn. Schools have a duty to teach high quality swimming and water safety to all pupils, irrespective of their ability, during their primary education. The purpose of this is to ensure all pupils have the opportunity to achieve the national curriculum standard.
The Schools’ Swimming Service is dedicated to providing the opportunity for all children in Nottinghamshire to access swimming. Pupils will start the Learners Journey which equips them to meet the needs of the national curriculum in relation to both swimming and survival. The service endeavours to enrich all pupils’ swimming experiences and offers participation in gala events.
Further support is given to pupils with additional needs through bridging clubs. The aim of which is to help develop the specific needs of individuals, creating pathways and opportunities for development of skills within the limitations of their disability.
The service provides qualified instructors and lifeguards and arranges pool hire and transport. The service recommends all school teachers undertake the training offered to improve their confidence and impact on the learning outcomes of the children.
What we offer:
- The service is available to pre-school, special, primary and secondary school children of all ability levels
- Access to all schools to provide the National Curriculum statutory requirement
- High quality swimming in a safe environment
- Highly qualified instructors and lifeguards who undergo regular training
- Flexibility to meet the individual needs of schools and pupils
- Provision of swimming galas for all schools to access
- Access to lead professionals in swimming for advice and support
- Provision of bridging clubs for pupils with additional needs, teaching in small groups. These sessions can’t be undertaken instead of the school’s mainstream lessons
- The opportunity for all school teachers to access Module 1 and Module 2 training
- New opportunity for schools coming soon - classroom based swimming teaching delivered by fully qualified instructors, to equip Year 6 children with the knowledge and understanding of how to survive around water
This service will ensure that all of your National curriculum and Ofsted requirements will be met while also providing additional support and advice for pupils with additional needs. Training is also provided for school teachers in the teaching of swimming to improve learning outcomes of pupils.
Parent/carers will be asked for their consent for information relating to their child's medical or additional needs to be shared with the schools swimming service. Information will be gathered in relation to children's swimming ability and this will be further assessed in the initial sessions. Permission will be sought for children to wear goggles and photograph consent will also be sought if needed.
Expectations around learning and behaviour are the same while off site as they are in school. Any concerns, we will be discussing these with parents and ensuring the safety primarily of the child, other children and staff when discussing strategies and plans to support. First aid will be administered by pool staff and reported by school staff as at school. head injury guidance can be found on the NHS website. Click here or the NHS logo below.
See below for more information relating to school swimming.
If you have any concerns relating to school swimming, please see your child's class teacher.
PLEASE NOTE: 2019/2020 photos will NOT be taken during swimming time.