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Governing Body




Alongside our school ‘learning and life’ values and motto at High Oakham Primary School, our Governing body commit to the following vision:

We believe that education is more than just knowledge. We want our children to be well behaved, to co-operate and share, respect differences, be safe, valued, independent and successful through:



GovernorTerm of OfficeDesignationRoleFinancial/Business Interests
Mrs L Vann14.02.2019 - 13.02.2023Co-opted

Chair of Governors

Link Governor for English

Link Governor for Humanities & Modern Foreign Languages

Mr J Key16.10.2021 - 15.10.2025Co-opted

Joint Vice Chair of Governors

Chair of F&GP Committee

Disciplinary Committee

Early Years Governor

Link Governor for RE & PSHE

Mrs R Hussain-Mills12.10.2020 - 11.10.2024Parent

Joint Vice Chair of Governors

Chair of T&L  Committee

Link Governor for Maths

Link Governor PSHE

Mrs J H01.03.2019 - 28.02.2023Co-opted

F&GP Committee

Appeals Committee

Training Governor

Mr R Collins01.03.2019 - 28.02.2023Co-opted

F&GP Committee

Disciplinary Committee

Data Protection & GDPR Governor

Computing & Technology Governor

Health & Safety Governor

Mrs N PhillipsStaffCo-optedStaff/SD CommitteeNone
Mr A Grubb25.11.2021 - 24.11.2025Parent

F&GP Committee & T&L Committee

Link Governor for PE & Science

Ms A North25.11.2021 - 24.11.2025Parent

F&GP Committee

Link Governor for Pupil Premium & Inclusion

Mrs S Pembleton25.11.2021 - 24.11.2025Parent

T&L Committee

Link Governor for Re & PSHE

Mrs S Pothecary26.11.2024 - 26.11.2028Parent  
Mrs K Macis-Riley26.11.2024 - 26.11.2028ParentSafeguarding Governor 
Mr E Adgebite12.12.2024 - 12.12.2028Co-opted  
Mr C Huffen12.12.2024 - 12.12.2028Associate  
Mrs S Astle 04.01.2019 - presentHead Teacher None



Mr C Banton

13.10.2020 - 12.10.2024



Joint Chair of Governors

Chair of F&G Committee T&LCommittee & Appeals Committee

Health & Safety & Safeguarding Governor

Mrs K Boaler Assistant Head Teacher None
Mrs R Ward12.10.2020 - 11.102024Parent

T&L Committee

Link Governor for English

Mrs T Hall16.10.2021 - 15.10.2025Local Authority

Joint Vice Chair of Governors

Appeals Committee

Pupil Premium & Inclusion Governor


Governor Pen Portraits

Find out a little more about our Governors at High Oakham Primary School


Name and type of Governor 

Reason for becoming a GovernorA glimpse into my life ....

Stephanie Astle



As the Headteacher of High Oakham Primary School, I work closely with the Governing Body in ensuring that we have a clear strategic direction and vision and that we endeavour to provide the best education for our children which surrounds them with aspiration, respect, kindness, nurture and stimulation. My dream is to work together to enable and empower children to become the best adults that they can be, so that they can contribute  and make a difference to the community, our country and the world! I support the mighty Reds, enjoy eating all kinds of tasty food and taking time out in the great outdoors. My family are my all and we love to laugh (a lot), learn and live life to the full!

Robana Hussain-Mills

Parent Vice Chair of  Governors

I became a Governor because I have a strong commitment to improving outcomes not just for my own three children, but for all children regardless of background, attending High Oakham Primary School. In addition it was also important to me to have that 'honest parent voice' heard at governor meetings - not all decisions are popular nor understood by many. I think we have an opportunity to continue to work together with parents/carers and wider partners in ensuring that any decisions made by the school or governors are clear, transparent and meaningful.I am mum to Nyla, Nadine and Zara, who have been or are current pupils at the school. My working life involves working in front line services for the NHS and in more strategic roles, giving me the opportunity to improve outcomes for our most vulnerable citizens and improving the health or our population. My free time is mostly spent with my family and together we care for our two rescue dogs (Oscar & Theo) and rescue cat (Freddie). I also enjoy running, watching TV and baking.
Lisa Vann Chair of  GovernorsI am passionate about education and working to provide the best possible experience for children. I have over 20 years of experience in education and bring this to the High Oakham Primary School Governing Body. I believe that these experiences help me to support High Oakham to set school vision with the Governing Body team and support our school to achieve it's goals. I understand the challenges and possibilities for High Oakham and am keen to support the children in my community to have the very best start to their education.I am a mum to two children, one currently at High Oakham and one at Brunts Academy. I enjoy spending my time with family and friends. I love travelling, visiting new and familiar places. A part of my heart is always in North Wales where I've had years of happy holidays with friends and our families. I enjoy supporting my children with their hobbies - this includes weekends and evenings at the football pitch or at dance studios including the Winter Gardens at Blackpool and Mansfield Palace theatre. To relax I enjoy spending time outdoors with my dog, Teddy.




Instrument of Government
