Phase 5 Set 3-4
About Phase 5 Books - Sets 3 and 4
On these sets, the page count increases to challenge and encourage reading stamina. There is an increased use of dialogue to encourage reading with expression. These books introduce some complex sentences (use of ‘if’, ‘so’ and ‘because’) and include italics to show emphasis. Children are increasingly encouraged to infer meaning from the text in order to gain full enjoyment from the story. They will encounter newly taught alternative graphemes.
How to support your child
Your child is now reading with greater fluency and expression. They may only need to decode complex, unfamiliar words. You can help them by:
- Encouraging them to read some pages silently, inside their heads.
- Listening to some pages read aloud, encouraging the use of expression and paying attention to punctuation marks.
- Talking about how events in the book relate to each other and helping your child to understand how the story builds up in a longer book.
- Asking them to tell you about interesting things they found out and showing you where the information is in the book.
- Linking the words that they are reading to their work in Phonics.
My Reading Targets
- I can read without relying on illustrations
- I can read longer phrases and more complex sentences
- I can read all of the Key Stage 1 High Frequency Words
- I can attend to a range of punctuation and text layout
- I can cross-check information from meaning and print on the run
- I can use the contents and index pages to find specific information
- I am beginning to use appropriate terminology when discussing different types of texts
- I can search for and use familiar syllables within words to read longer words
- I can infer meaning from the text
- I can re-read my books to build up my fluency and confidence in word reading
- I can use the glossary and subheadings to locate specific information quickly.
I can recognise all of the following phonemes;
y funny | ea head | wh wheel | oe toe | ou shoulder | y fly | ow snow | g giant | ph phone |
le apple | l metal | c ice | ve give | o-e some | o mother | ou young | se cheese | se mouse |
ce fence | ey donkey |
I can read all of these Phase 5 tricky words;
their | people | oh | your | Mr | Mrs |
Ms | ask | could | would | should | our |
house | mouse | water | want |
| |