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Golden time!

Wow - Friday 4th October was a great day!

Our first 'Golden Time' went down a storm, have you asked your child about their experience? I visited a few groups around the school and was bombarded with joy, excitement and a buzz of collaboration and interest! Mr Holmes and his Boccia group were smashing it, Mr Leonard's group amazed me with their sign language, Mrs Boaler's group were busy, busy making crazy lego creations and Mrs Smith's group made a giant mess with their huge messy masterpieces! And to top it all off, I was very jealous of the Foundation Stage children and their ice cream and fun!
What a joy to see our children of all ages working and playing together as a reflection of displaying our school values over the last few weeks - new skills, new experiences, new friends, giant smiles and increased engagement ... winners all round!

#schoolvalues #nonnegotiables #pupilwellbeing #makingconnections #everyoneinvolved #trulyhappyfriday
