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Safer Internet Day

Everyone at High Oakham Primary School will be celebrating Safer Internet Day 2019 on the 5th February alongside thousands of other schools both nationally and globally. The children will be taking part in different activities throughout the day that highlight the importance of using technology responsibly and safely at an age appropriate level. 

The campaign encourages young people to explore how the internet works, who owns the information that is shared on it, and how they can actively take ownership of digital spaces. We want Safer Internet Day 2019 to empower young people to take control of their online lives and to feel that they can harness and use the positive power of the internet for good.

Check out our updated Online Safety page for more information on how to support your child to stay safe online - click here.

#SaferInternetDay2019 #togetherisbetter #safeguardingouryoungpeople 
