The updated school plan - coming soon
Autumn term 2020 - our school plan
Planning and confirmation will take place this week in relation to our school plan - currently, this can be found in the 'letters home' part of our website. We will continue to be guided by updated government and local authority guidance, taking into account union recommendations and of course our own school context and governing body advice.
Please remember, this is unknown territory and the plan will only work with everyone on board and ensuring that they are doing what they need to do in relation to their part of the plan e.g. not being too early or late for drop off or collection.
A final copy of the plan will be sent out with changes or updates highlighted, on Thursday via ParentMail, will be posted on Dojo and will be put in the 'letters home' part of our website. Please ensure that you check where you need to be and when - any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch -