Trip to Police HQ
Our visit to Nottinghamshire Police HQ following an invitation from Nottinghamshire Police to celebrate the 1st birthday of the Mini Police scheme which our current Year 6 children took part in. We loved the tour of the armed response unit and officers equipment, meeting the newest police puppy and a tour of the underwater search unit vehicle! Our children were interviewed by The Chad newspaper and ITV central who filmed throughout.
We had a great time and the behaviour of our children was impeccable, great representatives of High Oakham Primary School - #veryproudheadteacher A huge thanks to Mrs Longmire who puts a lot of time and effort in the organisation of this scheme alongside the Mansfield local police community, much appreciated - #aboveandbeyond #consideringchildrensfutures #ittakesavillagetoraiseachild
This is the link here or below to the Chad newspaper to read more about our adventure!