Year 6 SATs
SATs tests - Well done Y6
We would like to congratulate all of our Year 6 pupils on all their hard work during this week’s assessments. We are really proud in the manner with which they have approached this week, in spite of the media attention and concerns in relation to the pressure that they could possibly be put under. Our Governors who came to oversee the process commented on how relaxed and positive our children were are they came into our breakfast club each morning and throughout the week. This was a resounding success and one which will be repeated next year.
Thank you to all the parents who have given such positive support to the children, school and staff for the SATs tests. I am sure that you will appreciate how hard everyone has worked, not only to prepare children for the tests but to ensure that a balance has been maintained with the other subjects in the curriculum.
Thank you to all the adults who have been involved in supporting and preparing the children for this week. I am sure you will agree with me when I say that Mr Leonard and Miss Watt are great assets to our school as reflected in their hard work and support leading up to and during this week.
Whilst important, the tests can only be a measure of your children’s attainment on the day, in only reading, maths and spelling, grammar and punctuation. Your end of year report will give a wider overview of your child’s achievements and successes across the year.
Year 6, we are super proud of you! Well done! Enjoy your dress down day of fun activities!